
Com Truise - Futureworld

So in the future, when Skynet finally becomes self aware, Terminators will take over the planet.  eventually they will develop crude emotions along with the ability and desire to dance to sounds.

a dance floor with 1,000 terminators, composed completely and solely of T-101's and T-1000's (because Terminator 3 and 4 were total fucking bullshit).  some will have the organic human tissue camouflage, others will be in pure titanium skeletal form, all will be dancing.  there will be lots of unprotected roboSex fueled by mounds of roboCaine as the Terminators go through their own version of the 1980's.

Com Truise will be the soundtrack.

filled with futuristic computer synth melodies and 80's style hip hop drum beats, it's the perfect accompaniment to roboDebauchery.


Futureworld (WIP) by Com Truise

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