
Class Actress - Keep You

I saw Class Actress (along with Chain Gang of 1974 and Washed Out) at the Echoplex last night.  it was an amazing show and basically a massive dance party.  the euphoric atmosphere and grooves lingered in my head and kept me dancing on my bike (lots of head nodding and jumps) the entire ride home.

the highlight of the night was definitely Washed Out. the air became electric as soon as they walked out and people started dancing upon hearing the first note being played.  Class Actress though, was a great surprise.

vocalist, Elizabeth Harper is sexy as hell and an amazing performer.  her voice is a perfect compliment to Mark Richardon's 1980's inspired production.

check out the track Keep You. it was definitely the best song in their set last night and it was the first thing in my head this morning. 

Keep You by Class Actress

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