
Teeel - Marx On My Heart

This song oozes 1980's romance and the video appropriately matches the sentiment.  chalk filled with some of the most iconic 1980's love scenes, this song/video doesn't disappoint those obsessed with neon colored Wayfarers and tacky yet bold fashion statements.

only complaint, where's Say Anything?  that's like THE 1980's romance film.  where's John Cusack, period?

props to anyone who can name every single movie in this video.


Pictureplane - Black Nails

At the surface, a lot of Pictureplane's music sounds like 1990's dance floor bangers a la Night at the Roxbury but that's part of the allure of his music.  blend that super colorful and loud 90's aesthetic with nightmare dark overtones, modern cynicism, and Travis Egedy's hushed voice, and you get Pictureplane's new album: Thee Physical.

i've been waiting for this thing to drop for mooooooonths (out as of July 19th) and i shit myself when Altered Zones streamed the whole thing for free 10 days early.  the album is amazing, impossible not to dance to it, and he manages to do something i have not yet seen in the world of gravewave/witch house/fuck you music.

he has shit to say.

he talks about things that are very relevant to the modern era of virtual narcissism.  as social/virtual media expands, people are becoming more connected and disconnected at the same time.  the physical world dwindles and the desire for physical touch and face to face emotion weakens.

we are all post physical.

so bang this shit and dance with some people.



Com Truise - Futureworld

So in the future, when Skynet finally becomes self aware, Terminators will take over the planet.  eventually they will develop crude emotions along with the ability and desire to dance to sounds.

a dance floor with 1,000 terminators, composed completely and solely of T-101's and T-1000's (because Terminator 3 and 4 were total fucking bullshit).  some will have the organic human tissue camouflage, others will be in pure titanium skeletal form, all will be dancing.  there will be lots of unprotected roboSex fueled by mounds of roboCaine as the Terminators go through their own version of the 1980's.

Com Truise will be the soundtrack.

filled with futuristic computer synth melodies and 80's style hip hop drum beats, it's the perfect accompaniment to roboDebauchery.


Futureworld (WIP) by Com Truise


Class Actress - Keep You

I saw Class Actress (along with Chain Gang of 1974 and Washed Out) at the Echoplex last night.  it was an amazing show and basically a massive dance party.  the euphoric atmosphere and grooves lingered in my head and kept me dancing on my bike (lots of head nodding and jumps) the entire ride home.

the highlight of the night was definitely Washed Out. the air became electric as soon as they walked out and people started dancing upon hearing the first note being played.  Class Actress though, was a great surprise.

vocalist, Elizabeth Harper is sexy as hell and an amazing performer.  her voice is a perfect compliment to Mark Richardon's 1980's inspired production.

check out the track Keep You. it was definitely the best song in their set last night and it was the first thing in my head this morning. 

Keep You by Class Actress


Araabmuzik - Let It Go


he make's this shit look easy/fucking cartoonish.  it's unreal and polished. real quick, check out this video of Araabmuzik freestyling.

like, he's just pressing buttons, but with an intense, incredibly intuitive and FAST accuracy.  HE MAKES SICK FUCKING BEATS.  the MPC is like an extension of his body, he's part man part machine.

now, check out his track "Let it Go".  along with a sick and layered beat, a soft dreamlike vocal is added, making it into a track that feels whole. it's oh so nice.


GuMMy†Be▲R! - GURL

GuMMy†Be▲R! is a witch house/witch hop (whatever the fuck you wanna call it) producer out of Oakland who just signed to Disaro.  he's got an EP dropping soon called Time.

this shit is grimy.    

the track's got pounding bass, snares, and snaps mixed with a funeral synth and string melody, all accompanied by random ass indecipherable rantings from some Rasta.  it sounds like something Satan would play whilst taking bong rips and loading a gun.

needless to say, it's amazing and you should listen to it.

GURL by GuMMy†Be▲R!