
Glass Candy - Feeling Without Touching

There's a lot of labels in the music world. i get shit all the time because i listen to witch house music (most overused joke - intentionally miscalling it witch craft music), but recently, i found multiple bands described as "Italo Disco." Glass Candy is one of these bands.

sidebar: the other band is the Chromatics, who i listened to like fucking crazy back in my junior year of college.

Glass Candy is pretty strange. be it the erratic and often times uncomfortable dancing of Ida No, or the impossible to describe production work from Johnny Jewel. it works though, at least for me. and if it doesn't work for you, then i hope you figure out how awful Coldplay is by the time you're 25.

check out this video for their track "Feeling Without Touching": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4Myo0QjwE0

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