
Geneva Jacuzzi - Do I Sad?

So when i went to go see John Maus at the echo last night, i didn't really have any expectations of anything else.  granted, i was wasted by the time i got to the echo (at one point laying down alone on one of the tables in the patio) and all i was focusing on was claiming my territory in front of the stage and not moving until John Maus was on the stage sweating on me.

when Holy Shit was finished, i sat on the edge of the stage, just left of center, and waited.  a problem arose when my glass of Jim Beam became empty and i had to make a plan to get a refill.  i figured i could get one really quick toward the beginning of the next act and get my spot back in time for Maus.

but then Geneva Jacuzzi came on stage with a mic stand and a small synthesizer, dressed like a mushroom induced hallucination of Jafar (from Aladdin).  needless to say when she hit a button on her synth and started dancing and singing to a dream/nightmare like beat, i became totally fixated.  amazing performance, right up with Maus.

i hear a lot of comparisons to Ariel Pink, some even saying that she is basically the female Ariel Pink.  this however, sells her short.  granted Pink is a genius, but he can't fucking dance (evidence).  Geneva Jacuzzi dances really well (evidence).  Jacuzzi is a bit more pop-like to boot, really danceable and catchy.  so yes they both share the 1970's/80's cassette tape reject aesthetic, but they offer two different sounds, man.  check out this awesome fucking track, "Do I Sad?"

Track (Do I Sad?): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKUD3cLkajA

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