
Modern Witch - Black Curtains

Modern Witch is a visual/music act based in Amsterdam.

the group has shifted over time, at one point they were as large as 4 artists.  Mario Zoots and Kristy Fenton are the rock-steady regulars.  they're currently together in Amsterdam, playing gigs and plugging away at a new single.

they've graced LA a few times with contributions at the now closed Show Cave (RIP), including a legendary, euphoric dance inducing performance of In Your Eyes.

in Black Curtains, Fenton seems to be experimenting with some vocal manipulation a-la Crsytal Castles (parts very reminiscent to Crimewave) and TEARIST.  it sounds great, and the pair seem to be hitting a great stride together, creating more complex and well put together music.


Black Curtains by Modern Witch

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