
Captain Ahab - The Kingdom of Light

Typical LA dudes doing typical LA things.

drinking beers, water fights, cruising the city, enjoying Santa Monica and the boardwalk, exploding fist bumps, nun-chucking flying slabs of meat, seeing the stars from the Griffith Observatory and on the sidewalks of Hollywood, scarfing down In N' Out (animal style, duh), destroying fruit with katanas, drinking Windex and Mountain Dew, scarfing down Pink's, Mexican food, drinking piss, pissing on each other, used condom fights followed immediately by consumption, vomiting, water boarding each other (try it!), beating the shit out of each other, simulating sadistic sex crimes, power tool eroticism, parties that inevitably lead to orgies, and dying  incredibly bazaar, horrible deaths.

it's totes LA glam!

The Kingdom of Light from Captain Ahab on Vimeo.


HOLY OTHER - Feel Something

Very cool song and an even cooler video.

i mean, seriously.  fighter jets flying through clouds, mountains, and a coastline...fucking rad.

the song builds slowly, adding samples along the way.  the video follows, starting with a lone fighter doing soft aerial maneuvers, suddenly joined by a mean looking fighter that gives chase, matching trick for trick.  war machines never looked so pretty.

put this shit on full screen, highest quality, and enjoy the dog fighting ballet.


Balam Acab - Dream Out

Balam Acab makes some beautiful music.

hypnotic sampling with equally hypnotic homespun beats.  songs that deserve equally beautiful and hypnotic videos.

check out this very blissed out, fan-made video from vimeo. i offer "Dream Out" as a mere appetizer, check out other, less accessible tracks by Balam Acab ("Big Boy" and "Oh Why" to boot) when you're ready.  i mean, fuck man, Ellen Page likes him...

Dream Out - Balam Acab from Maiya on Vimeo.


Grimes - Oblivion

First off, what an awesome name.  Grimes.

Claire Boucher's range is ridiculous.  the layered harmonies and a bubbly, yet dreary beat make "Oblivion" a super catchy and addictive track.

don't be decieved by Boucher's gorgeous voice. the lyrics sound deceptively sweet, due thanks to Boucher's high octave vocals, but the dark and grimy (hah i know) electronic score reveal the true coldness of her words.

check out this dope video and see you on a dark night.

Grimes - Oblivion from Jose Molina on Vimeo.


Killorgiveup - Blind

Straight out of motherfucking Estonia (which actually has a pretty killer hip-hop underground), Killorgiveup brings you a swag filled, synth driven 808 nightmare.

the male and female vocal duo stay in perfect sync through out the track, a nice contrast to the spastic beat.

taste the iron curtain.